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Become a Prouvé UK Partner

I only want to purchase products
Buy products at Partner Prices with a 25% discount
I want to start my business with Prouvé
Take advantage of all the cooperation opportunities with Prouvé
Please confirm your e-mail address*

Date of birth
Legal form*
Natural person
Company / partnership / enterpreneur / legal entity

Address data

ZIP code*
Address line 1*
Address line 2

Correspondence address (other than the address of residence)

By creating an account, you will pay 25% less for your shopping. Not only the first time, but also later!

To thank you for your first purchase, a small surprise gift will be added to your order.*

*with the purchase of the Fragrance Starter, within 30 days of registration

I hereby give consent for showing my personal data: name, surname, home address, mailing address, e-mail address , telephone number, Partner number, date of account set up, in the Prouvé Partner database available for other partners after logging into the Partner's account.


I declare that I want to receive business or commercial information from Prouvé UK (in this case, please tick all the boxes below)

Thanks to this consent, Prouvé UK will be able to publish your personal data (name, Partner Number, image) on official Prouvé UK websites and thus inform you of your promotions in the Prouvé Structure, or publish your image immortalized in photos or videos from special events, trainings and meetings organized by Prouvé UK.

You can give or withdraw any of your consents at any time, sending an e-mail on the following addresses:

The Controller of your personal data is Prouvé UK - PRO FRP LTD, with registered office at the following address: 10 Tower Street, Liverpool, L3 4BJ; Company number: 14081908, e-mail address:, telephone number: 0151 351 4600,  („Prouvé UK”).
Prouvé UK processes the following categories of personal data: first name, surname, VAT number, UTR, address of residence or address for correspondence, e-mail address, telephone number, Partner Number, date of creation of the Partner Account and, if additional consent is given, also image.
When you log in to the system you have to remember that it is your decision to what extent your data will be visible to other Partners of Prouvé UK.
Your personal data will be processed for the purposes of:

        • creating a Partner Account and entering into a contract, performing of the provisions of the contract and its appendices in the form of the Terms and Conditions of Cooperation and the Career Plan, including:

                • organisation of the Partner network, maintaining contact with the Partners, implementation of programmes (loyalty, incentive),

                • enabling the Partners to order Products, making financial settlements, documentation of business operations,

                • calculation of points, Rebates and Remunerations and their documentation,

                • for the evidentiary purposes,

          if you give us extra consents – also for the purposes of marketing of our products and services and sending you commercial information.

On the terms and conditions specified in the GDPR, you have the following rights:

        • the right to request from Prouvé UK access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing,

        • the right to object to processing of your personal data,

        • the right to data portability (to transfer your personal data to other controllers),

        • the right to request a copy of your personal data,

        • the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Information Commissioner’s Office - ICO -,

      • the right to withdraw your consent at any time (if we process the personal data on the basis of your consent).

The withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. The statement of withdrawal of consent can be sent on this e-mail address: or by post to the registered office of Prouvé UK (PRO FRP LTD, with registered office at the following address: 10 Tower Street, Liverpool, L3 4BJ).
Your personal data may be transferred out of the European Economic Area that is to our franchisees, however, we wish to ensure you that if this is a case, we will guarantee high level of security of personal data
Full details on personal data protection are available in our Privacy and cookies policy available at:

Partner Account is created and the distribution Agreement is made under the terms described in detail in the Terms and Conditions of Cooperation and in the Career Plan when the activation link sent by Prouvé UK.

Sponsor number I don't have a Sponsor number
Number of the Inviting Person